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Back Row(left to right) Lionel Dwyer, Bruce Mifflin, Jeff Krete, Wayne Simkin, Pat Godin, Joe Tamborra, David Gascoigne

Front Row(left to right) Ken Hussey, Gary Shropshire, David Ricci, Uta Stelive, Graham Price, Dennis Moore, Wally Peeling


Back Row(left to right) Joe Tamborra, David Ricci, Pat Godin, Warren Townsend, Jason Lucio, Wayne Simkin, Neil Cox

Front Row(left to right) Jeff Krete, Dennis Moore, Ken Hussey, Tom Baldwin, Ute Strelive, Tim Forler, Mary Ann Jack-Bleach

2020 and 2021

There were no competitions in 2020 and 2021 due to Covid-19 pandemic. We would like to thank the judges who had offered to judge.


Pat Godin, Tom Baldwin, Bruce Lepper, Martin Ward, Lionel Dwyer, Jeff Krete, Wayne Simkin, Tim Forler, Ken Hussey, Mark Peck, David Gascoigne, Chris Earley


Judges 2018

Back Row(left to right) Lionel Dwyer, Tom Baldwin, Gilles Prud’homme, Pat Godin, Bruce Lepper, Fred Negrijn, Ken Dance

Front Row(left to right) Wayne Simkin, David Gascoigne, Jeff Krete, Martin Ward, Jason Lucio


Judges 2017

Back Row(left to right) Gilles Prudhomme, Jim Burrell, Mark Peck, George Wickham, Bob Lavender, Glen McMurdo, Pat Godin

Front Row(left to right) Ute Stelive, Wayne Simkin, Fred Negrijn, Jeff Krete, Gord Hare


Judges 2016

Back Row(left to right) Bruce Lepper, Wayne Simkin, Gilles Prudhomme, Mark Peck, Jeff Krete, Pat Godin

Front Row(left to right) Gord Hare, Fred Negrijn, Gerry Glaves, Tom Baldwin, Chris Earley

Not in the picture: Lionel Dwyer


Judges 2015


Judges 2014

Back Row(left to right) Al Forler, Lionel Dwyer, Gerry Glaves, Jim Lackenbauer, Bruce Lepper, Ken Hussey, Jeff Krete, Gilles Prud’homme

Front Row(left to right) Ken Burrell, Martin Ward, Fred Negrijn, Pat Godin, Wayne Simkin, Gord Hare


Judges 2013

Below is a list of the 2013 Judges. This year we have included 4 people whose expertise is with birds, but not necessarily with carving. The Grand Valley Woodcarvers Club sincerely thanks the outstanding World class judges.

Back Row(left to right) Pat Godin, Ken Burrell, Wayne Simkin, Lionel Dwyer, Jeff Krete, Bruce Lepper, Fred Negrijn, Gilles Prud’homme

Front Row(left to right) Mike Burrell, Rick Davis, Kevin Grundy, Gord Hare


Judges 2012

Back Row(left to right) Gilles Prud’homme, Wayne Simkin,Tim Forler, Lionel Dwyer, Bruce Lepper, Jeff Krete, Pat Godin

Front Row(left to right) Bob Lavender, Ute Strelive, Jason Lucio, Al Forler, Gord Hare


Judges 2011

Back Row(left to right) Jeff Krete, Jason Lucio, Lionel Dwyer, Bruce Lepper, Pat Godin, Wayne Simkin, Gord Hare

Front Row(left to right) Tim Forler, Bob Lavender, Al Forler, Ute Strelive, Blaine McLeod

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