Full size male and female one species and third confidence species. See separate sponsor rules/guidelines.
$4,000 first, $750 second, $250 third plus Rosettes.
Youth – Single carving, any Duck, Loon, Goose, Grebe, male or female, any style including contemporary antique, painted not floated, made of wood or cork, glass eyes accepted. Can be half to full size. No stylized interpretive carvings allowed.
Age categories: 1) Youth aged 12 and under; 2) Youth aged 13 to 19. $125 first plus Rosette for each category.
*NOTE* The Youth category is a cash award only. Carving retained by the carver.
Canuck Guns Canada Award
Carving Subject and Governing Rules/Guiding Principles:
The entries carved for this category are intended to represent a rig of three (3) practical and functional life-size hunting decoys. The term, hunting decoys, is recognized that “practical and functional” brings with it some inherent limitations in the design and level of detail executed in a carved hunting decoy. It is expected that the engineering and functionality of the decoys will be as required for a real waterfowl hunting situation and that the artistry, craftsmanship and essence of the species represented shall be to the highest standard possible in a “practical and functional” hunting decoy.
Specific Rules:
1) This category is open to all carvers.
2) Eligible entries/species represented will be any recognized North American waterfowl species including pelagic and coastal seabirds.
3) Typical hunting season plumages are acceptable.
4) A 3-bird rig will consist of a full-size male and female of one species and a third decoy of another species or a confidence species (no limitations) that would typically be associated with the other two birds.
5) Decoys will be floated together and shall be rigged individually (no limitations) with keel and tethered by a line and weight.
6) Lines shall be 2.0 to 2.5 meters (6-8 feet) in length and the weights sufficient for the hunting situation depicted.
7) Decoys must self-right from any position. Decoys will be floated by the judges outdoors in a nearby water feature under the weather conditions of the day.
8) Decoys shall be constructed in wood or cork and may incorporate other materials as required for engineered aspects or for the style of decoy represented. Glass eyes are permitted.
9) All delicate elements will be scrutinized by the judges for durability as might be required in a real hunting situation. Burning and fine stoned texturing is not allowed. Although creativity in traditional and functional techniques to represent feathers or unique features of a chosen species are encouraged, remember “practical and functional” is a priority.
10) Any observed failure or degradation in the structure or finish of the decoys will result in the entry being disqualified from competition.
11) Entries will be first judged on the table to ensure compliance with the above rules and then judged in the field.
12) Entrants may provide upon registration any documentation they deem necessary to support any construction technique or decoy tradition represented. This information will be made available to the judges during the judging period.
13) Canuck Guns Canada may wish to negotiate buying any of the entries, other than 1st place, at a mutually agreeable price with the carver. This transaction is not in lieu of cash prizes awarded.
14) Canuck Guns Canada may wish to add a firearm in addition to the cash awarded.
Life Size, smoothie, floated, no keel.
$2,000 plus a Rosette, $150 second, $75 third.
White Winged Crossbill, Male in breeding plumage, life size decorative, detailed/textured with habitat.
$3,000 plus a Rosette, $150 second, $75 third.
Smoothie – Any species, weighted, floated, no keel.
$450 plus a Rosette, $100 second, $50 third.
Includes Ducks, Geese, Swans, Loons and Grebes.
1) The bird must fit totally within 3-1/2 inch (90mm) circle.
2) Must be a smoothie.
3) Groups of feathers may be defined (i.e.tertial, scapulars, side pockets, etc.).
4) No texturing is allowed.No restrictions on paint.
Purchase Award Rules and Regulations
1) Unless otherwise specified, carvings are to be life-size, in breeding plumage as well as textured and painted.
2) Carvings, including habitat (where specified) must be the original design and concept of the carver.
3) Judging will be based on accuracy, artistry, creativity and essence of the species.
4) Permission is given to compete with the winning carving at “The Worlds”.
5) To ensure the purchaser of a quality carving, a first place may not necessarily be awarded (at the discretion of the Judges and Grand Valley Woodcarvers Show Committee).